Comments on: Grim Fandango Remastered Hits The PC On January 27th, Available Now On GOG For Pre-Order PC Games News, Screenshots, Trailers & More Thu, 15 Jan 2015 19:10:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: 7thGuest Thu, 15 Jan 2015 19:10:00 +0000 In reply to durka durka.

It’s not that I didn’t pay attention dude, It’s the fact that I never cared about it . It was and still is a bs snowball because of a bunch of people afraid of others opinions.

I never cared about Sarkeesian and her discussions, and the fact that I know about her today it’s because people care to much, people are afraid that someone will take their toys away and started to make a fuss about it. The gaming journalism never served as a “buyers guide” or a “highly regarded piece of information”, it’s just coverage. I don’t need someone to tell me if something is good or not, as long as someone shows me something I use my brains to find the answer.

Research, for what? What does it have to do with my gaming experience? What in this world will make me get out my comfort zone to look for something that doesn’t affect me directly? I do not need someone to tell me what I should or shouldn’t do, and if any talk change my opinion, so what? What do I have to be afraid of? I say, let it be, if you think someone is wrong they will remain wrong, why a make a fuss about it? All of this pile of bs is because some people don’t know how to deal with things using rational thinking, or don’t know how to have a conversation about a topic.

I don’t care about SJW, GG, sex scandals, games journalism corruption, feminism or what have you. I live in a real world, with real shite to deal everyday, as long as people are not trying to screw me over directly, I say F IT.

It’s videogames man. It’s a hobby, escapism.
What does it have to do with anything that goes wrong in the world?

“Oh a magazine/site/reviewer is being corrupt and misleading their audience?”
Sod it! Move on, find another, stop supporting it.

By: durka durka Thu, 15 Jan 2015 18:32:00 +0000 In reply to 7thGuest.

The only thing you got to do is look at gamergate wikia timeline and see everything being detailed right from when Greg got fired all the way up till now.

Multiple jounalists are leaving their sites because they dont like the new ethics policy and a developer has said that he was infact in a meeting that publishers were doing deals with sites to get exlusive coverage of some unrelated game by giving high score to a diffirent game.

Quinn has not been part of this since september, the media kept brining her up, everyone else kept pointing other journalists like leigh alexander, ben kuchera patricia hermandez, stephen totilo and more.

As for feminism? The articles they were posting were pushing femminsm and liberal views with “why legos are sexist” or “white staight male the easiest difficulity there is” or “defeating a woman in counterstrike is rape” The gamers are dead articles came out in the same day. Everywhere you tried to talk about it, the forums were deleted. Neogaf doesnt allow discussion on that infact they banned boogie who wanted to get both sides together and was not part of GG. Sites who didnt join the rest and actually adressed GG for what it really is ETHICS got baned or ddosed like techraptor and gamesnosh.

The fine young capitalists and other have said that zoe quinn is a horrible person and tried to bribe them and doxxed them GG has helped the fine young capitalists which is a femminst organization who wants to get women into gaming. The first attempt got the their campaign hacked. After they took control of it again, GG managed to raise over 70.000 for women. But no site covers it, because the narrative they use is that GG is mysoginistic.

Makes sense eh?

4chan banned GG discussion, so they made 8chan, which was ddosed the last few days.

But hey there is no comspiracy here eh?

As for harrassment. I would like ot see that harrassment, so far i havent seen anything of the short, i have seen nonsense like brianna wu’s sockpuppet fake acounts to be potrayed as something that came from gamergate when infact there isnt even a hashtag there.

Funny how polygon is owned by MSNBC that made a hit piece on GG and funny how when they tried to give a voice on both sides, the anti GG side calling it a hitpiece. Funny how they only use their own media to speak where they can talk about irrelevant nonsense that have absolutly nothign to do with gaming. If you think feminism came out of nowhere you propably have never been on polygon or kotaku.

It is also interesting how those people act like male feminists and white knighs while in the pats they have diffirent views. Because hey nothing changes your views on something than a big paycheck. That is not ethics, that is corruption.

Lets go into how the indie awards could have been staged and how they are using a poorly made blockbot to block everyone who remotely touches gamergate like say folliwing a actor like adam baldwin. Lets get into how the person who made it actually herrased a woman who wanted to talk to gamergate and lost here job.

Lets get into the fact that most of the herrassment comes from anti GG by a large margin.

As you see i have actually done the research while on the other hand you dont even now why feminism is in there.

You can either do the research or continue to calim its a bunch of nonsesne because they dont make any sesne to you since you didnt pay any attention.

By: 7thGuest Wed, 14 Jan 2015 15:41:00 +0000 In reply to durka durka.

Oh FFS, a girl sleep with a guy and the internet got crazy. Not when Jeff Gertsman got fired from Gamespot, or Rob Florence leaving Eurogamer. But when someone opened her legs and deleted some tweets then BOOM, game industry is corrupt. Let’s conduct our personal investigations, make obnoxious diagrams,and feminism (for some reason), and harassment, and death threats, because “ethics in games journalism”.

I don’t need the media to tell me about something. GG is a bunch of internet bs.

By: Bilal Beyg Wed, 14 Jan 2015 13:46:00 +0000 In reply to Mafioso.

I was just gonna say that last sentence looks like internet always steals what I want to say 😛

By: durka durka Wed, 14 Jan 2015 08:34:00 +0000 In reply to 7thGuest.

its not bs, thats what the media tells you but it really is not bs. Either including Gamergate or not there is something seriously wrong going. Why you think all those sites are firing journalists as soon as they change their ethics policies? Shadow of mordor, game journos pros, christian allen saying he has been in a meeting with game journalists changing review scores to get exlusive coverage for a diffirent game.

There is corruption both in the media and the industry.

Now if you wanna call gamergate a bunch of bs, thats your thing, but do some search on your own on all the scandals that were uncovered in 2014, the list has no end.

By: 7thGuest Wed, 14 Jan 2015 06:29:00 +0000 In reply to durka durka.

Well… forget it. Sorry if I bothered you… is the first time that someone mentions the gamergate bs that got into my mind.
Again, I’m sorry.

By: Amir Wed, 14 Jan 2015 05:40:00 +0000 In reply to Hector.

yep, and my original cd version from 20 years ago is miracle

By: durka durka Wed, 14 Jan 2015 04:50:00 +0000 In reply to 7thGuest.

No one said anything about the game just putting the information outhere for other people. You act as if i have any power to change people minds.

Wait, do i?

By: 7thGuest Wed, 14 Jan 2015 03:59:00 +0000 In reply to durka durka.

Still a guy just doing stuff.

Is it a sh*t thing to do? Yes.
Does it say anything about the quality of the game? No.

If you don’t want to support it because you find someone a dbag, it’s totally fine, it’s up to you. Just know that people aren’t what they do. They aren’t better than anyone, they are just a person, flawed and prone to mistakes as everyone else, in this case he just happen to work as a programmer of videogames. Just it. No higher moral standards, no special treatment.

By: durka durka Wed, 14 Jan 2015 02:50:00 +0000 In reply to 7thGuest.

also starbase and the fact he choose to hire phil as a dj instead of keeping people hired.
